Augemus Musikverlag has released a new and modernized score of Torbjörn's well known accordion work Botany Play, oiginally written for Mogens Ellegaard. It can be found in
Torbjörn Iwan's Bellows Symphony for two accordions will be premiered by accordionist/organist Susanne Kujala and accordionist/composer Veli Kujala at the Rock Church in Helsinki on 6 November. The work is previously unpublished.
On 11 and 12 January 2023 Torbjörn Iwan's Landscape for tuba solo, piano and strings will be performed live at Konserthuset Stockholm by tubaist Karl Johan Elf and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: Joshua Weilerstein.
17 mars bjuder Musik- och teaterbiblioteket in till boksamtal och release med författaren Elisabeth Wärnfeldt som skrivit boken Efterklang om Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist. Boken fördjupar förståelsen för tonsättaren och sammanställer alla hans musikaliska verk – från symfonier till filmmusik. Torbjörn Iwan Lundquists arkiv finns i bibliotekets samlingar. Tid: 17 mars klockan 17–18.30
Plats: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, Tegeluddsvägen 100, Stockholm
Fritt inträde
A new book on Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist and his life, in relation with, and through music, is released by Ekström & Garay on 30 September, the composer's 101:st anniversary. It is written by Elisabeth Wärnfeldt, author, voice coach and previously opera singer. The book, written in Swedish, includes a complete list of the composer's works.
Sterling's new issue of Symphonies 5 and 8 recieved four "radioapparater" out of five in the Swedish Radio revue program Musikrevyn on 1 November, The panel was especially impressed by The Eighth.
A hundred years ago, on 30 September, our father Torbjörn Iwan was born. His birthday is recognized in many ways. All of his symphonies will be broadcasted by Swedish Radio, see full schedule here. Trumpet Music for piccolo trumpet will be performed in Malmö on 1 October, at Malmö Live. Also, up until now Sterling Records have released 4 CD:s with mostly previously unreleased recordings of Torbjörn’s music. A composer biography by Elisabeth Wärnfeldt is planned for release next year, and is previewed here by the author
All 8 completed symphonies by Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist will be broadcasted by Swedish Radio, starting on his anniversary 30 September. The radio programme Rendez Vous will pay attention to Lundquist on 25 September. The schedule in SR P2 is as follows:
Friday 25 September 17.06 Rendezvous.
Wednesday 30 September 10.03-13.00 Klassisk förmiddag:
Lappri, Landskap.
21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 1.
Thursday 1 October
21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 2.
Friday 2 October 21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 3.
Monday 5 October 21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 4.
Wednesday 7 October 21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 5.
Friday 9 October 21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 7.
Monday 12 October
21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 8.
Tuesday 13 October 22.00
Musik mot midnatt:
Symphony no 9. Thursday 22 October 21.00 Musik mot midnatt:
Kammarsymfoni op 11.
On October 1, the day after Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist's 100:th anniversary, Malmö Symphony orchestra and Gustav Melander will play Lundquist's "Trumpet Music" for piccolo trumpet, percussion, piano and strings, conducted by Håkan Hardenberger. The piece was written in 1980 and is dedicated to Bo Nilsson.
On September 4 the next anniversary CD is released by Sterling Records. Symphony No. 8 (Kroumata) is a live recording from the posthumous premiere in 2002 with Malmö Symphony Orchestra, Kroumata Percussion Ensemble and conductor B. Tommy Andersson. Symphony No. 5 (Die Wienerische) is recorded with Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer. This means now all of Torbjörn Iwan's completed symphonies are available on CD or download. And on September 30 we celebrate his 100:th birthday!
Now last week's great performance of Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist's Landscape can be heard and seen on
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Karl-Johan Elf, tuba, Alan Gilbert, conductor.
On Thursday 16 april at 19:00 CET, "Landscape for tuba, strings and piano" will be live streamed from Konserthuset in Stockholm
The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra are playing with Karl-Johan Elf on tuba and Alan Gilbert conducting.
Celebrating the centenary of Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist, two CD’s will be released by Sterling Records in 2020. The first, with Symphonies 2 and 9, is to be released on March 6.
Symphony 2 "...for freedom" was recorded in 1972 with Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor Stig Westerberg, and was described as “…an impressing document of humanity” in a review of the concert.
Symphony 9 "Survival" was recorded with Umeå Symphony Orchestra conducted by Roy Goodman in 1999.
Booklet in Swedish and English included with CD.
On March 1 the orchestral suite from the movie Nils Holgerssons underbara resa (The Adventures of Nils Holgersson) will be released by Sterling Records. The CD highlights the original recording from 1962, coupled with a suite from the radio drama Gösta Berling's Saga from 1966, both of them written and conducted by Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist. A booklet in Swedish and English with a biography and an essay on the music is included with the CD.
Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist's Symphonies 3 and 4 are nominated for a 2019 Swedish Grammis Award. The CD was released on 5 October by Sterling Records.
The new CD with Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist's Symphonies 3 and 4 recieved the highest score, five "radioapparater", in the Swedish Radio music review Musikrevyn on 11 November.
On October 5 Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist's Symphony No. 3 "Sinfonia dolorosa" and Symphony No. 4 "Sinfonia ecologica" are released on CD by Sterling Modern. The recordings were made in 1982 and 1985 with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer and Sixten Ehrling. Simultaneously we are giving birth to this website, the first one dedicated to our father and his music. Please feel welcome to explore our site and the music and life of Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist!